Morgan Roadster test ride review for TM magazine

TM magazine published my road test review & photography of Morgan Roadster 3.7 V6 in their issue 18/2019. Available for TM online subscribers online or at news stands in print - article is in Finnish, mind you!

Morgan Roadster in backroads of Malvern, UK

Morgan Roadster in backroads of Malvern, UK

Wedding photography in Brussels, Belgium

Angelika & Agnel - the lovely newlyweds in Brussels. It was my pleasure to document their wedding throughout their special day from morning till night. Here some portraits in Atomium park near Brussels.

Documentary wedding photography in Finland

I was bestowed with the honour of documenting a wedding party of these two friendly lovebirds, Tuija and Sami. Documentary wedding photography was done throughout the dat from bridal preparations to portraits and on the wedding party.

Goodwood Revival Gallery

Goodwood Revival, a magical step back in time to the 1940s' - 60's. The event is defined by its period dress code: tweeds and trilbies for men, furs and frocks for the ladies, and by its refusal to allow modern cars within the circuit on race days.

Here’s my photo gallery from the event

Goodwood Revival in Chichester, UK

September 7-9th saw the 20th Goodwood Revival event, one of the most special classic car racing events in the world. The very distinctive and famous aspect of the Goodwood Revival is that all teams and crews, as well as almost every single one of the tens of thousands of spectators dress up in period correct outfits in the style of 1940’s to '60s! It's a spectacular, one of a kind event in such a huge scale.

I was commissioned to photograph and write an article for TM magazine in Finland.

Here a small sample of Goodwood style, a young racer in the Settrington Cup for vintage pedal cars, the most adorable race of the weekend consisting of some 20 class races for vintage race cars, many of them worth millions and millions.


Shoeman Nature

My photography project gallery 'Shoeman Nature' has been added to the site!

Incidentally, 'Shoeman Nature' my first solo photo exhibition. It was presented at the Centre of Nothern Photography's venue during February 2017 in Oulu, Finland.

Inspiration behind "Shoeman Nature"

At this point of time, for me, the "Shoeman Nature" stands for something along these lines: human nature, alter egos, one of a kinds, personal thought processes, stepping into shoeman's shoes, looking back at the steps of life, looking at oneself, past memories or dreams of life to come, you and me, you or me, some one, one life.

I began toying with a similar theme or idea of photographing a pair of shoes in different life situations already in the mid ’90s while active at my university camera club. Now some 20 years later the renamed “shoeman” resurfaced from my subconscious somewhere. A particular image ( the one with shoes looking at the lantern with a cande inside, door hinged open = maybe a passage for the spirit or soul or memory of the person to enter the cosmos, heaven or sacred fields of afterworld...) photographed in November 2016 In Memoriam my late cousin somehow kicked off the whole process actually.

Shoeman Nature gallery


My 1000 Miglia article published in TM magazine

The latest issue 13/2018 of TM aka 'Tekniikan Maailma', the leading Nordic motoring and technology magazine, was published today, containing my article and photography from the 2018 Mille Miglia classic race in Italy with Colpani Motori. A nice seven pager for your reading & viewing pleasure! The magazine is published in Finnish at the moment, though!


Mille Miglia moment

San Marino proved a classic scene worthy of its splendid location for 1000 Miglia 2018 race for classic cars. Here my take on a personal favourite, a Porsche 356 entering an alley in this miniscule country within Italy.